Tuesday, October 15, 2024

My Top 5 News Sources

     Finding a news source that is reliable or non biased in todays media outlets seems near impossible. However, I have navigated through the internet enough to find specific media outlets that are taken from real experiences and given out from the source.


My first main source of news happens to be TikTok; a very popular video/ photo social media. TikTok has been revolutionary to the way news has been spread around the globe. News outlets like NBC, ABC, CNN, etc. have created accounts that snippet important ones events to upload to the app; giving thousands of people light access to whats going on in the world without needing to do any research. TikTok also has uploads from Palestine, protests in the US, political opinions and debates, and so much more information that is crucial to the development of the "American mind". Having an outlet that releases so much information from educators, scientists, doctors, and professionals about any world event is extremely beneficial and crucial in todays age. 

    Another source that I find myself referring to and reading is CNN.  

Keeping up with he election this year has been a whirlwind, and their reporting has been top game for the Democratic Party. CNN also is diligent with their reporting on events within America and outside. For a very popular outlet, their attention to important details and fact checking have been very beneficial to readers and Americans who are looking to become educated on certain aspects and sides of the American government and current updates coming from Washington. 

    Another news outlet I use very often is X, or formally known as "Twitter".
I use X to check real time events. Live updates filter through X the quickest. I also recommend X to anyone who wants to keep up with their state representatives. Congress members use twitter to voice their opinions greatly; whether it is a good opinion- or a very different opinion. It allows viewers (and voters) to become more familiarized and personalized with their representatives or candidate. 


As someone who was born and raised in a very small town, I check my local news almost every day. WJAC is a news source for local news in Pennsylvania. Keeping up with events that happen at home is very important to me and allows me to connect to my family and friends at home still. My area is also extremely impacted by tragedy, specific economic and social issues,. Being able to keep up with what is affecting my peers and family keeps me engaged in current policies and engages critical thinking skills dealing with future issues and solutions. Keeping up with local news whether in a hometown or a current living situation is crucial to being an active member of your community. 

    The final news source that I check regularly is Politico.

Politico gives all around news updates on all sides of the polls. Politico also dives into policy, and explains in depth the meaning and reasoning behind some of the choices that candidates make. Politico also does not hold back in criticizing a statement. The source also spreads into the other elections running at this time- and how other levels of government officials can affect the future of America. 

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