Sunday, December 1, 2024

EOTO2 Reaction

         I thoroughly enjoyed listening to these presentations. All of the types of media, journalism, ideologies, etc. were very in depth and easily to be understood by a listener. Group two stuck out to me a lot, with the topics being citizen journalism, alternative media, and podcasts. The group used a lot of real life examples of their topics that really put these "broader" topics into perspective that we use these in our every day lives without even thinking too much into their purpose and why we are using them. We have become so accustomed to this lifestyle where as media consumers- we do not tend to think of who filmed it, why they were filming it, why I as a viewer am seeing it, and why it was published in the form it was published in. 

        While learning about citizen journalism, it really did open my eyes to how lucky we are in this generation to have platforms to show real life situations to the world. In the example shown, there were two videos. The first was a video of a casket floating down the floodwaters of hurricane Helene in Asheville, NC from TikTok; and another of the assassination of JFK from YouTube. The average news outlet often fails to form a "humanity" connection to views- as citizen journalism is from those actually living through it. This is very, very prominent currently with the genocide in Gaza. We have seen hundreds and thousands of videos coming from Palestinians like Bisan Owda, a citizen journalist who has held the world captive with her story telling and heartbreaking updates from the ground since October 7th 2023; with information and footage the mainstream media fails to display for us. Citizen journalism is crucial to the way we get our information today, it is unforgiving, and gives a look into how real situations affect people actually living them.


      I also enjoyed listening about the benefits of podcasts and alternative media, and the niche informational outlets that certain demographics of people can listen in to and feel connected, supported, or just up to date on. I believe as scary as the world of information and public knowledge goes, there are many benefits to these outlets and platforms- it depends on the way we intend to use and spread this information that could be the downfall to mass information. I think the group articulated the ideals extremely well with powerful stances to back them up on their importance to society. 

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Final Blog Post

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